We know shopping can be a very individual experience. Not everyone likes to shop the same way. See below for a list of several methods customers have employed in the past. If you can think of another method, let us know. Perhaps a Ladies Home Amulet Party?
Starting with our Products Index look in the footer (near the bottom) of any page in the catalog. There you will find a horizontal slide displaying each of our many amulets.
Often the direct approach is best. Get one of our CQR specialists on the phone. They should be able to help with any of your Brane Power needs. You may phone us at 800-869-0658 or 530-271-2239. Or, use our Contact form.
The Try the Select-o-matic is a fun tool we have built so that you can input any one of over a hundred different attributes, then determine which amulet is good for that attribute.