Alchemy:5, Angel:5, Angelic:5, Attention:5, Aura enhancement:5, Awakening:5, Bardos:5, Beta Blocker:5, Chakras:5, Charisma:3, Communication:3, Compassion:3, Compassionate:3, Confidence:5, Consciousness:5, Courage:5, Creative:3, Creativity:3, Death:3, Dexterity:2, Discipline:2, Doctrine:5, Dowsing:3, Dreaming:3, Dream walking:3, Dreamcatcher:3, Dying:3, Empathy:3, Empowerment:3, Energetic:3, Enlightenment:3, Esoteric:3, Essence:3, Face of God:5, Faith:5, Forgiveness:5, Fortune:5, Freedom:5, Ghost hunting:3, God is one:3, Grace of God:3, Gratitude:3, Guardian:5, Guide:5, Habits:5, Healer:5, Higher consciousness:3, Higher intelligence:3, Higher power:3, Higher self:3, Illusion:3, Infinite space:3, Inner peace:5, Luck:3, Magic:5, Magical:5, Mana:5, Manifesting:5, Mediumship:5, Metaphysical:5, Native spirits:5, Natural:3, Overcoming fear:5, Parallel universe persona:5, Parallel worlds:5, Paranormal activity:5, Past life recall:5, Personal power:3, Premonition:3, Presence:3, Prosperity:3, Protection:5, Pure love:3, Psychic:5, Psychic self-defense:5, Rejuvenate:5, Replenish:5, Right action:5, Rite of Passage:5, Self-remembering:5, Shapeshifting:5, Sleep:3, Soul retrieval:5, Spirit:3, Spiritual:3, Spontaneity:3, Strength:3, Success:3, Tantric:5, The Absolute:5, The Work:5, Theta enhancement:5, Transcend:5, Transformation:5, Understanding:3, Visioning:3, Visualizing:3, Vitality:3, Voyaging:5, Way of service:3, Wellness:5, Will:3, Wisdom:3, Work on self:5,
This powerful Quantum Amulet facilitates a connection to higher realms and energies, angelic entities, dreaming and voyaging, as well as qualities, such as strength, vitality, personal power, luck, confidence, understanding, love and the integration of higher qualities and understanding into this lifetime.
It is very useful for transformation, work on self and dealing with deep habits. One attribute that sets the Quantum Spider apart from the other Quantum Amulets is an emphasis on gratitude, helping to remember and giving a sense of gratitude - an extremely powerful transformative attribute. This one attribute alone would explain the many potential enlightening and transformative effects it could have on your life.
Based on reports and real life stories from people using the Quantum Spider CQR Amulet, you can expect:
"Thank you. These quantum amulets are awesome." -- Meredith M., Harrisburg, PA
Give us a call (800 869-0658 / 530 271-2239).
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Whether you have a question about a particular amulet, or would like some help trying to decide between the options, we have experienced folks available to answer your call. Our phone operators use the amulets themselves and have heard testimonials from hundreds of happy customers. They have the background and willingness to help. If you happen to call when the phones are busy please leave a message. We will get back to you as soon as possible.